How do I complete GeeTest CAPTCHA?
CAPTCHA often popup at the most sensitive access points to tell humans and bots apart. If you don't know how to complete the verification process, check GeeTest demos.
Having difficulty in solving a challenge?
Can't solve the puzzle? Problems occur when completing the CAPTCHA challenge? Troubleshooting these issues.
Looking for more support?
If you cannot find answers to your problems on this page, contact GeeTest team or fill out the feedback form. We will get back to you shortly.
All types of verification challenges you may encounter:
If you don`t see your problems listed here. Try Customer Service or Send Feedback
You have been verified after submission, but still cannot pass the challenge successfully.
There are a few reasons why CAPTCHAs aren`t going through:
System compatibility. If your system is Windows XP, the problem may be caused by is strict defense mechanism.
Browser compatibility. Please change the browser system settings from `Extreme Mode` to `Compatibility Mode` and clear browsing cache(recommend to use Chrome).
A CAPTCHA integration error. Please contact the site/app owner first, or send feedback to GeeTest team.
It keeps prompting `Please try again` or `Try again in 3 seconds`.
Too many incorrect verification attempts. When you fails a captcha, a new one will be presented. To enhance the `verification success rate`, follow the on-screen instructions to complete the puzzle, or check our CAPTCHA Demos before submission.
Session timed out. The verification will expire after some time, you need to start over if this occurs.
The images & icons & texts of CAPTCHAs are not showing or not being displayed properly.
The problem usually happens with bad internet connection. If you`re sure your device is connected to the Internet, try these steps :
Refresh the web page for a new image.
Turn off antivirus software and ads block browser extensions, change the browser system settings from `Extreme Mode` to `Compatibility Mode`, or try another web browser(recommend to use Chrome).
I can`t drag or drop the slider of Slide CAPTCHA on my mobile phones or tablets.
It might be a compatibility issue. Please send your phone and tablet models to GeeTest team, we`ll make updates to resolve the issue.
A CAPTCHA integration error. Please contact the site/app owner first, or send feedback to GeeTest team.